2021 Guide to Planning an Outdoor Corporate Event


Hosting a corporate outdoor event poses a few unique challenges because of the ongoing pandemic. And if you want to follow social distancing guidelines, an indoor venue isn’t the best option. Therefore, sticking with an outdoor location is your best bet. Nevertheless, there are still plenty of considerations to ensure that the event is safe, and your guests will still have a good time.

Determining the guest list and event size

Under normal circumstances, there aren’t any restrictions when it comes to party size as long as the venue can accommodate it. However, now is not the time to think big. As much as possible, you’ll want to limit the guest size so that there’s enough room for people to maintain a good distance from each other. If it’s a company event, it’s best to host several smaller parties. For example, a party for each department within the company will suffice in the meantime.

Selecting a venue and theme for the event

Is it a team-building party or more like a combined training and strategic planning event? The theme and venue will depend on the goal you want to achieve. For outdoor events, parks, golf courses, ranches, a big backyard, and open-air restaurants are some of the best venues. If you need entertainment for a corporate fun day or team-building, a fairground stall hire is an all-in option. But, for sit-down lunches and dinners, you can hire a band to provide music and create the mood for the event.

Food and drinks

Unlike indoor events, preparing food and drinks for an outdoor gathering requires more planning. Most of the time, there won’t be easy access to a working kitchen. The caterers will have to make do with prepping the food first and assembling it on-site. If you want to ensure safety, choose foods that won’t require much on-site preparation. Handling is also critical because some foods will need to be served and eaten right away. Food restrictions and allergies should also be considered before you choose dishes and drinks for the event.

Establishing a feasible budget

Establishing a budget after these considerations is essential because you’ll want to minimize unnecessary expenses. Remember that there are many moving parts involved, and suppliers can change their quotes according to the circumstances. As such, you’ll need to leave some room for adjustments. Also, booking your suppliers early will ensure that you don’t need to pay a premium for last-minute needs.

Reminding guests about safety protocols

Once again, the health and safety of your guests are the top priority. At any time before the event, government guidelines on hosting outdoor events may change. Make sure that your company follows these guidelines to avoid sanctions and fines. If possible, always ask your suppliers if they provide leeway in case you need to re-schedule or make last-minute cancellations.

Most importantly, your guests should be oriented and reminded about safety protocols. Wearing face masks, temperature readings, and listing down their contact information are only a few of the safety steps you may need to enforce during the event.